Welcome to my homepage,

If you can't find yourself under your name (mainly bush ponies), you can take a quick look in the test. Reason: head numbers not visible !!!!! Unfortunately, Warendorf didn't have a starter display either, so the pictures were put in as they are.

A quick word about the discounts that are of course also available: these apply to orders in the range of 16 € and 24 €. These are available from 5, i.e. 10 pictures. Important: they are independent of the event and also independent of the rider !!!!!! Example: Anna Siemer orders 3 pictures for 16 € (Luhmühlen 2022) and Ayleen Stuhr also 2 pictures for 16 € each (Westergellersen 2023). These are ordered together and you no longer pay 16 € per picture but only 13 €, or from 10 pictures only 10 € per picture !!!!!

Of course, the pictures will also be labeled in 2024! For me it is

absolutely a matter of course.

Please click on the preview images, then the image will definitely

be larger!

The images may only be cropped after the order and

the exposure may be improved.

In the sizes medium and large there are now discounts for 5 or 10 ordered

image files!!!!

Using the search engine:

For example, you enter Anja Sabrina Heinsohn oops, long wait and far too many images

You enter Anja Sabrina Heinsohn with atc corsica oh, shorter wait and only atc corsica

You enter Anja Sabrina Heinsohn Westergellersen 2023 oh, only images of Anja Sabrina Heinsohn from Westergellersen.

Or you enter Anja Sabrina Heinsohn Showjumping horses A and only the corresponding images will appear (event and year can of course be added).

Please make sure not to enter ä,ü,ö,`,- or similar. Always ae,oe,ue, all other special characters

do not specify at all.

Have fun browsing

Chrissi Jahnke